If I were a social media guru I’d dispense with the superfluous morning pleasantries And get on with the business of inspiration Shouting “Embrace Authenticity!” out of the blue on a Monday morning Like a demanding dentist, bent over an unflossed mouth. If I were a social media guru I’d remind you that I know many,

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Every good businessperson has a trusted resource that they use for researching their industry’s trends. Mine is called “Carl.” Carl is my father-in-law. He’s a lovely man who used to be the president of sales for a well-known national corporation. He’s charming, well-read and somewhat digitally savvy (um…he has email). But, like many of his

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Adolescence is an awkward time — full of miscues and clumsy conversations, budding relationships and bodies and the establishment of a grandiose social pecking order that haunts many people for the rest of their lives. In generations past, it was easy to run away from the craptasticness of it all when you grew up. Save

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One thing I’ve always liked about social media is that it’s a Wild West environment where the prim ponies of “marketing” and “sales” often get lost in the messy herds of people just talking ‘bout…well…stuff. From meeting contacts, to learning what a potential or current client/customer is up to, to moving a prospect from awareness

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Is it me, or are the three big social media players all spending a ton of effort to be like the other guy instead of just being what they are good at? Google+ has circles, so Facebook introduces smart lists; Twitter introduces “activity” similar to the Facebook news stream; and now Microsoft is reported to

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It’s that time of year again when we count our blessings and give thanks for the people who have made a difference in our lives. 2011 was both an amazing and incredibly challenging year for Kane Consulting. While we were fortunate to be very busy with client work, Jen was injured and then recovering from

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