This is certainly a time of year for thanks and reflection, and Kane Consulting has been doing just that. Change is on the horizon – however big or small, remains to be seen.
I’m looking out at that horizon. But, I wouldn’t be doing so if I didn’t have one thing…a colleague, mentor and friend who brought me along on a journey of personal and professional growth, and then encouraged me to look for the next one.
I’ve come to a fork in the road, and it’s time for me to start a new journey, separate from the one of Kane Consulting. With that, I’m reflecting on all of the things I’ve learned along the way…
- Business ethics aren’t something you put in a policy on a shelf. You either have them, or you don’t. You live them every day, even when it means having to say you are sorry or walking away from what isn’t right.
- Doing good work is hard work. There’s no easy way around it. But, when you love what you do and for whom you are doing it, you do it that way every single time and are proud of the results.
- When someone you respect tells you that you’ve done good work, the feeling is more rewarding than any paycheck.
- While not always appropriate, profanity occurs in the workplace, in the company of colleagues, and even at boardroom tables. Lighten up. We’re all human.
- You will be presented with challenges. Embrace them. If it’s not a little scary, you’re not living. You’ll do things you never before thought that you would and you’ll be better for doing them.
- You will make mistakes. Some will be bigger than others. Admit to them, fix them, learn from them and then move the hell on.
- A connection to another human being, online or off, is real. It’s up to you how you want to shape and nurture it. You can take them for granted or appreciate each one for what it is.
- Learn to appreciate people. This industry is full of some very awesome ones, many I am proud to call friends.
- There is no such thing as “9-5,” and the “office” can and will exist in many different shapes or forms (tattoo parlors? Why not?), and you can be productive in many environments.
- Just because you “can” work in any time or place, sometimes you need to shut it off. Establish boundaries and keep them.
- When you do what you love, and love what you do, you can have hella fun doing it. No doubt.
- Life is short. While your work is important today and tomorrow, nothing is as precious or valuable than friends and family. Put them first. Always.
I will be forever grateful that Jen gave me the opportunity to be a part of this ride. My journey is far from over. In many ways, it’s only beginning. It might include a Kane Co post or project or more, as the company continues on its journey. It includes a lot of unknowns, as I look for what will be the next step in my career. I look toward all of this with the utmost bittersweet excitement.
As we head into the final weeks of 2012 and start thinking of what’s on the horizon for 2013, I hope you, too, find a moment to reflect on how it is you got to where you are, and where it is you’d like to go next.
I’m still around the interwebs and I hope you’ll keep connected. All of my info can be found here and you can keep up with my blog posts here.
A lovely, inspiring post. Whatever chapter is about to unfold, I wish you joy and fulfillment.
Thank you, Kaarina, for the well-wishes. Best to you, too.
Kary is a wise soul who really gets it when it comes to communicating with authenticity and professionalism. It’s a privilege and delight to be associated with her!
Very kind words! It’s an honor. Thank you.
Wishing you all the best in the world, Kary. I’m happy to know you.
Thank you, friend. I’m happy we’ve connected as well, and will make it a point to keep it that way. 🙂
I think we have found a wise mentor for the next generation — every generation, for that matter. It’s most fortunate that you have, what it sounds like, taken a serious amount of time to reflect in making the decision to start a new journey. Not everyone is so brave, nor pays attention to what their heart is telling them. One thing is for certain, doing what you love is a gift. Cherish it. I hope you continue to do what you love and good fortune follows.
Yes, a big decision and very bittersweet. Thank you for your kind words. If the next step is anything like this one was, I’m a very fortunate girl, indeed.
What a great post and kind tribute to your work with Jen- I am sure your new journey will be fabulous and look forward to seeing all that your future holds. Congrats on taking big steps and also on all the little steps that have led to this big change.
Thank you, Nicole. Big and little steps on a bumpy road, for sure. Looking forward to getting to the destination.
Best of luck to you KaryD on your next adventure!
Thank you, Mary Pat!