Have you ever had a vertigo attack? I’m not talking about getting dizzy. No, vertigo is an actual “attack” on your senses — a tsunami of images and impressions hitting your mind in roiling waves at awkward angles, which you must navigate in a rudderless, leaky boat with only a broken compass with no true

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Last week I received some bad news that left me preoccupied, overwhelmed and floundering. As fate would have it, during the same time, I also received over a dozen random requests from people in my network (many of them strangers) asking me to answer questions, provide information or do them a favor. The requests were

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Just like talking about religion at a cocktail party, or mistakenly asking an overweight friend when their baby is due, sending an automatic direct message (DM) to a new Twitter follower is one of those things we’re told you should never do, but people do all the time anyway. It’s been this way for years,

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For a few weeks, I’ve been listening to people discuss Sheryl Sandberg’s valuable, complex and thought-provoking book, Lean In. I think the conversation Sandberg has started is a worthy and important one. But, I haven’t added my two cents to it yet because, for me, the question of leaning in or not is a simple

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Getting no response to something you’ve posted in social media can be downright unnerving. It’s like doing an epic performance, finishing with a flourish, and then watching the audience shrug their shoulders and start chatting with each other about the weather. When this happens, most of us ask ourselves, “What did I do wrong?” Well,

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Cheating is popular in social media. If there’s a way to get ahead without doing the work, chances are someone’s tried it, blogged about it and maybe even formed a business to promote it. People cheat to get ahead in social media for the same reasons they cheat to get ahead in anything… It natural:

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