This week is National Suicide Prevention Week; an event you might assume has nothing to do with social media. But sadly, that assumption is wrong. Suicide and social media go hand-in-hand in many ways… On the positive side, social media can be a helpful tool to identify, monitor and reach out to those who are

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There’s a great line at the end of The Lost Boys where the Grandpa (who the audience thought was clueless the whole movie) says, “One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach…all the damn vampires.” And you realize Grandpa has been the wisest person in the room all along. While everyone else

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Is storytelling important for your business? Most companies would tell you, “no;” it’s a nice cherry to add on top of your marketing efforts but certainly not the foundation upon which you build things. But that answer overlooks what “stories” actually are and the important role they play in organizing our world. Storytelling is a

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Starting social media is a lot like starting a family. Before the baby comes, everything is all about cute outfits, spotless cribs and beautiful daydreams. But after the baby comes, reality sets in and you find yourself standing in the middle of the night with two hours sleep, your arms covered in poop, thinking “What.

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The most important thing social media can give a company is also something rarely considered a priority… Perspective.  Compared to tangible rewards like increased sales leads or an expanded brand presence, “perspective” often gets relegated to a company’s “nice to have, but not critical” list. And that’s a mistake. Because, chances are, perspective is a

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My birthday was last week. If you don’t remember hearing about it, that was by design. I usually don’t celebrate my birthday publicly and find the occasion, in general, to be more of a depressing than celebratory affair. But this year I decided to try something different and honor my 42nd birthday by doing 42

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