Often, when we tell people who we are, we actually describe how we’d like to be seen… (e.g. “I’m a Systems Engineer working for a Fortune 500 company and the father of two beautiful daughters.”) But who we are isn’t a perception of our life or how we choose to label it. Who we are

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There is a saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If that’s the case, then I guess I’ve been insane for about two years now. Every day I read and post content about social media, every week I blog, (largely about social media)

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I spend a lot of time thinking about social media; not the “what” and the “how,” so much as the “why.” Why do we enjoy living online so much, sharing our innermost thoughts with people who are sometimes total strangers? Why are we drawn to quantify, score and rank so many aspects of our lives

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Etiquette seems like a bunch of rules made up by frumpy old ladies who care deeply about which spoon people use. But, when it comes to social media, proper etiquette is important stuff that can mean the difference between building a respectful, authentic online presence that shows you in your best light, versus one ridden

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The Age of Context: Mobile, Sensors, Data and the Future of Privacy, the new book by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel examines the intersection of mobile devices, social media, big data, sensors and location-based services and how this “Perfect Storm” of technology will affect our future. The authors paint a picture of an exhilarating, brave

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Dear Twitter, I know we haven’t talked much lately. And I thought I should check in to tell you why. As everyone knows, you were my first social media love. I was a clueless virgin before I met you. And, like a school girl, soon after we started seeing each other, you became my whole

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