For the past decade, my life has been equally focused on two paths of interest and education: Digital marketing/communications and social media (through my consulting practice, writing, and public speaking). Health and wellness (a side hustle of writing and speaking related to my degenerative medical conditions and two spinal fusions). In one part of my

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When your life is a mess it can be extremely hard to clean it up—like asking someone to do maintenance on a plane’s engine while it’s hurtling through the air at 600 miles an hour. Lucky for you, life isn’t like a plane (for one thing, the seats are way more comfortable.) If you can

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I read 121 books in 2017 (and published one of my own!) The best of the lot are summarized below. You can read my Goodreads reviews for each here. To be clear, not all of these books came out in 2017. That’s just when I read them. If there’s a theme in my selections this year, I

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  We’re counting down to the 100th Social Media Breakfast here in the Twin Cities, a exciting chance to reflect on how social media has evolved since the Minnesota chapter, (currently the largest in the US!) was founded in 2008. As a panelist at this anniversary event, I’m both excited and a little wary about

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I read 132 books in 2016. (Yeah, I know. It’s kind of ridic.) Although these books came from multiple genres, a larger portion than usual this year were fantasy. (It’s almost like 2016 was a year I was wanting to escape from. Go figure.) Since there were so many books to choose my best picks from, a

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The Internet is chock full of advice about how to develop and promote your personal brand. The first step is usually pretty straightforward:  you tell people what you do (or aspire to do) professionally. This is often followed by sharing interesting tidbits about yourself that establish you as an authentic, approachable, interesting human with whom other humans

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